Loan Workouts

Loan Modification Attorneys

Finding Alternatives to Foreclosure

If you are behind on your mortgage payments or you have been notified by your lender that they intend to initiate foreclosure proceedings on your property, don’t feel like you have no option but to lose the place you have called home for so many years. There are alternatives, and a qualified loan modification lawyer can help you understand them.

We have helped countless clients throughout central and eastern Connecticut avoid foreclosure and find ways to keep their homes. We understand how stressful it can be to face the prospect of not having a roof overhead for you and your family. We work diligently to find a solution that gets you back on track and allows you to stay in your home.

Loan Workout Lawyers

We take the time to provide a complete review of your situation and work to determine the best course of action to allow you to keep your home. In some cases, negotiating directly with your lender can lead to a solution where agreement is reached on new terms that are more advantageous for you.

Other options for people who qualify are one of the federally sponsored loan workout programs. Our Attorneys have extensive experience helping clients through a number of these programs, including the Making Home Affordable Program (“HAMP”), The Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives (“HAFA”) program and the Federal Emergency Homeowner’s Loan Program (“EHLP”). No matter which route turns out to be the best option, you can count on us to diligently pursue the solution that is best for you.

Contact Our Connecticut Loan Workout Lawyers Today

Contact our attorneys to learn more about our mortgage modification and loan workout services and what we can do to help you. We offer a free 30-minute consultation to all new clients. Our attorneys are available during regular business hours and by appointment at other times.

For your convenience, we accept all major credit cards.

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