Divorce Mediation

Divorce Mediation

Mediation has long been a successful resource available to parties who are going through a divorce. Mediation is a voluntary process in which you make decisions together with your spouse based on an understanding of your views, your spouse’s views, and the reality you face. Its purpose is to allow parties to sit down with a trained professional and discuss their issues in an open manner. Parties meet with the mediator to identify issues, complete exchanges of information, and use non-coercive problem-solving techniques to come to an agreement.

Divorce Mediators

The mediator does not represent either party, and does not promote or support one spouse’s position over the other. The mediator’s role is to facilitate open communication and provide the parties with options that are available for their particular issues. The mediator facilitates your discussions but does not give advice or determine decisions.


The mediation environment provides the parties with a way to find common ground and bring resolution to all areas with no court involvement. Other benefits of mediation are:

  • You set your own pace. The process can move as fast or as slow as the parties choose and you are not restricted by the availability of a court calendar.
  • You stay out of court. Everyone agrees to reach agreement outside of a courtroom.
  • You create workable solutions. The process gives you the freedom and opportunity to craft more creative solutions than are available through courts.
  • You remain in control. In a typical scenario, the court gives you a solution it could also assign to hundreds of other families. Through mediation, you hand craft a decision that will work for you.
  • You save resources. Mediation is generally less costly and time-consuming than attorney-negotiated agreements and litigation.
  • You enjoy confidentiality. Proceedings remain private.

Contact Our Divorce Mediators Today

Contact our law office in Manchester Connecticut today to learn more about our divorce mediation services and what we can do to help you. We offer a free 30-minute consultation to all new clients. Our attorneys are available during regular business hours and by appointment at other times.